Scandinavian Biolabs is not a fully sustainable beauty company, yet. We acknowledge that many underlying issues are defined by larger variables within the cosmetics industry. We are aware that we are not perfect, but every day we are striving to produce products that are not only health-conscious but environmentally conscious. Through this page, you can discover what we are already doing – and even more importantly, what we are working towards. We want to be transparent around our current practices, and keep you updated on what we will be doing better. We are mainly focused on implementing more sustainable practices across four key areas; Ingredients, production, shipping, and plastic consumption.
All our ingredients are naturally-derived, harnessing what nature has to offer. This also means that we refrain from using any potentially harmful ingredients– both because of their potential impact on the environment and your health.
With all Scandinavian Biolabs’ products, functionality reigns supreme. This means that we have looked beyond Denmark to get the very best ingredients from experts throughout the globe. While we are mindful of the carbon footprint from our current sourcing methods, we are striving to minimize our impact without compromising formula functionality.
Products and production
Our core range of products are produced and manufactured locally outside of our offices in Copenhagen, Denmark. This enables us to easily check the quality of all our productions but also minimizes our transportation footprint while establishing fair social conditions for all employees.
We are always trying to be as accessible as possible – globally. This also means that we are aware of our shipping footprint. Currently, we ship all our products directly from Denmark. While this means short distances from production to our packaging warehouse, it can, unfortunately, mean longer distances for our customers around the world. We are continuously working on initiatives that can shorten distances to all our customers.
Shipping is not only about transportation, but also how the products are being secured during travel. We have begun to incorporate FSC-certified paper for all our shipping packages along with our products boxes. To date, we are using FSC-certified cardboard for approximately 70% of our shipments, due to the global value-chain disruptions impacting delivery times. In the meantime, we are working hard to continuously source environmentally conscious materials and minimize wasted space in shipping containers.
Plastic consumption is one of the greatest challenges facing the cosmetic industry. While the material is sterilized, durable and especially great for personal care products, we are also aware of the negative impact plastic consumption has on our environment.
We are always aiming to minimize the use of plastic in our products, but currently, our shampoo and conditioner are both in plastic containers. We have since our inception used new PET-certified plastic, from non-recyclable sources. As we are always trying to do more, in 2022 we will switch to recycled PET. In addition, we are partnering up with Cleanhub to make Scandinavian Biolabs plastic neutral in 2022.